I think it’s better to develop core/monolith part and then split it to the microservice if the feature would needed it (high usage, a lot of data, high frequency of changes). In general I don’t think so there should be auto rules, like new service = new microservice.
Category: Programming
Set PHP sesion cookie to be session (session.cookie_lifetime = 0) + set garbage collection time which is calculated since last session_start() [by setting session.gc_maxlifetime=3600 to have session valid for one hour since last activity]. I’m taking about those two settings session.cookie_lifetime specifies the lifetime of the cookie in seconds which is sent to the browser. […]
I often see that following dependency inversion principle (from SOLID) we end up with many interfaces with just one implementation, and what is more it’s usually whole public API of given class. In my opinion it doesn’t make sense. However I do believe in original purpose of this rule. Like the example of deploying embedded […]
Did you hear about estimating stories in story points with Fibonacci? Yeah, it may sound fancy, but it is a nightmare in implementations that I saw like you use 1, 2, 3, 5, 8,1 3, and 21 values to estimate your tasks. Then what’s more funny scrum master tends to sum up them and calculate […]
I think that we should not test unit as class, but as large class group as possoble without mocks.